Paper Picasso Ivory
Paper Picasso White

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Dancer Menu 18cm

"Every human being carries a dancer within him" (Rudolf Laban)

An elegant menu with delicate tones to celebrate a special day. A cardboard that will enrich your table.

Each item includes:

- Menu 10x18cm


- No additional printing costs
- HandMade in Italy by Missprint


- Customizable in the choice of paper
- Match the coordinates you want


- Dopo l'ordine, ti contatteremo per l'inserimento dei testi
- Ogni prodotto sarà spedito con corriere
- Hai dubbi sull'ordine? Contattaci
- T. 0697846504

 Paper Picasso Ivory
Paper Picasso White

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Enter your wedding invitation's data

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  • 1.50€

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