We believe in original hand crafted products, made with passion and love. By paying the utmost attention to every detail, in our laboratory we produce entirely handmade products, carefully choosing only high quality materials. Everyday we work towards obtaining and ensuring that the final result of every single item is unique and fully reflects our standards and the requests of our customers.

Welcome to our website. We are the Missprint team. We are a team of women only and we like calling ourselves the "Missprintians". We do not come from another planet, but we are a force of nature because together we always find the right way to achieve something that will be special for your event. A phrase that represents us? "The art of being unique and artisan." Visit our website and you will understand why ..

The Boss
Art Director
“To achieve your dream you
just have to believe in it.”
Graduated in Graphic design at the IED of Rome. She has a passion for visual arts. She immediately wanted to create a small laboratory where a unique, high quality, hand crafted item reflecting the ideas of the customers, like a tailor-made dress, could be created. She adores difficult customers and wholly dedicates herself to ensure that every creation has that touch of originality that distinguishes Missprint. Her mission: To always look far ahead, finding new ways and new ideas to turn even a simple cardboard into something special.

The Genius
Wedding Planner
Sales Manager
“You can do it!!”
Mechanical engineer with a passion for numbers, books, art and paper, she loves searching for new materials on which to experiment. Her mission: Giving value to paper, wood and plexiglass. Making ideas become reality, she creates with perseverance and dexterity, transforming even a single sheet of paper into a small paper creation.

Dreamers Girl
Creative Illustrator
Missing Unicorn
Graduated in Graphic design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. Loves: paper, colors, brushes, to sketch, to draw, scribble and make what is only a fantasy become reality. Her mission: To deal with customers with care, uniqueness and always with a smile, even during the most difficult missions, and magically interpreting the customers' wishes and turn them into small wonders.

Love & Soul
Creates with love each invitation
“Strength and courage”
Her mission: To exalt with skill the value of every single item of wedding stationary; she believes that every invitation is in itself creativity, precision and beauty. Every donated wedding invitation is created with passion, enriched with the soul of who has designed and put it together